Michael R. H. Swanson
Office: CAS 111
Hours: 9:00-10:00 M, T, Th, F
or by appointment
Phone: 401 254 3230
For Tuesday, May 1
Read: in Major Problems,
Chapter 11, Turning points?
All Documents pp. 317-331
and...in The American South,
Chapter 25, the section on the Depression through the section on Southern Agriculture pp. 639-654
The photo montage which has formed the background of the web pages for this course was created from one of the most remarkable collection of photographs I've seen. The Unlikely source was the Department of Agriculture during the depression years of the 1930s. Many of the United States' finest photographers worked at documenting the effects of the depression, not only on the South, but on all regions of the country. Clicking on the images below will take you to the websites which contain some of these images. Browse a while and let your senses respond to what you see. Do this a couple of times for the greatest reward: first, before you read today's assigned text, and then, again, afterwards.
TONIGHT! "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" CAS 129 7:00"
For Thursday, May 3 Civil Rights, Civil Wrongs
READ, in The American South, A History,

Chapter 26, The End of Jim Crow pp. 676 - 713
... in Major Problems,

Documents 1 through 4, pp. 351 - 360
The story of the modern civil rights movement perhaps begins with the desegregation of the military, achieved by executive order of Presindent Harry S. Truman, a southerner from Missouri. We pick up the story there.
More wonderful things can be found all over the web. Browse the links at the Civil Rights Veterans Organization to take you to some of them. Many of these aren't "slick" productions, but the heartfelt work of very committed people.