AMST 430
The South
OFFICE: Feinstein College 111
Hours: M, T, Th, F 9:00-10:00
SB 108
Or By Appointment
T-Th 11:00-12:30
PHONE: (254)-3230 
Spring, 2001
Week of April 2, 2001

For Tuesday, April 3, continuing on to Thursday, April 5.

Read, in The American South:
Chapter 21, Divisions in Dixie
pp. 521-545
in Major Problems:
Chapter 6, Race, Violence, Disenfranchisement and Segregation 
pp. 155-184

As the film, "To Kill a Mockingbird," showed, violence and threats of violence in defense of the racial code were never very far from the surface of southern society. Our two chapters for this day will give us a chance to investigate this more fully. Two things will be primary in our thinking. First, we need to get a true sense of the extent of the violence perpetrated. Statistics are not for memorization, but they are for contemplation. So think about the extent of lynching, 80% of which happened in the South. Think, too, about the quasi-legal nature of this phenomena. Note that mob action took on the appearance of a court trial, and think about why this indeed did happen. Second, we need to evaluate the black response. Pay considerable attention to the controversy between Booker T. Washington (1)  and W. E. B. Dubois (2) as you think about this. Think, too, about the way white oppression shaped the development of the southern black middle class through the creation of institutions like the black college and small scale entrepreneurs
The documents in the chapter from Major Problems are very important, because they give primary evidence of the narrative provided by our textbook. Note the variety of evidence here, and don't just glance a second or two at the visual evidence. It deserves a more thorough consideration than that. Pay particular attention to document 6, "the Duty of White Men Today" pp. 163 - 166, and consider the relationship of that to the event which is central to "To Kill a Mockingbird".

Web Resources:

The Atlanta Race Riot 1906 at
A Race Riot in Tulsa Oklahoma 1921 at
Report of the commission on the Tulsa Riot at
For a list of other race riots, consult
Note, that race riots took place north and south, but that the predominant number of them were southern.
Lynching. Without Sanctuary, at
Review as many of these documents as time allows, but everyone visit Without Sanctuary. This website is not pleasant, but it will give you a sense of the reality of the topic for this week like no other one will.

